Muslim Leaders Living In Fear In Uganda: Sheikhs on the hit list

Sheikhs on the infamous hit list of yet-to-be identified assailants have said they are living in fear.

Anxiety in the Muslim community was reignited on Tuesday night with the killing of the Kibuli faction spokesperson, Sheikh Hassan Kirya.He was gunned down at Bweyogerere Trading Centre after 10pm.

Kirya was also on the hit list that was publicly revealed during the funeral of Sheikh Mustafa Bahiga who was killed last December.

The list had Hajj Najib Ssonko and Sheikhs Haruna Jjemba, Umar Swidiq Ndawula, Nuhu Muzaata, Hassan Kirya, Mustapha Bahiga and Mahmood Kibaate.

Sheikh Sonko, one of the three remaining targeted clerics, told the press yesterday that he is gripped with fear and anxiety given that the killers are not giving reasons for haunting them.

“Although police have given us security guards, our life is still in danger. We don’t know whether we should opt staying home. We don’t know why we are being killed,” said Sheikh Sonko.

During prayers for Sheikh Kirya at Kibuli mosque on Wednesday, the other targeted Sheikhs vowed not to go into hiding.

“Any one doing these heinous acts should repent before his Lord because killing a soul is not a punishment since death is a route every one of us must tread,” said Sheikh Jjemba.

On his part, Sheikh Ndawula said: “I know I am one of those on the list and I will not hide. Let the killers pursue me anytime they want. After all, we shall all die.”

Sheikh Kibaate urged police to do more to protect the lives of the clerics “than waiting us to be killed and then start making empty promises.”

“But also those behind these heinous killings must understand that the President said when a commander is killed, it does not stop the struggle for the liberation.”

Sheikh Muzaata dared police chief Kale Kayihura to let him lead operations for just two days and he would notice a difference. “We are tired of being killed and no action is taken yet the suspects are known,” he said.

President meets Kibuli sheikhs
President Museveni yesterday met with a section of Muslim leaders from Kibuli at State House, Nakasero.

Hajj Muhammad Kisambira, the Kibuli-based faction secretary general, confirmed the meeting but added that what was discussed was not related to the killings.

“We had an earlier appointment with the President and we were meeting on completely different issues not related to the death of Sheikh Kirya,” Hajj Kisambira said by telephone. He added that they were also scheduled to meet the IGP in the evening.

Presidential Press Secretary Tamale Mirundi also confirmed the meeting.

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Source: Daily Monitor

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