President Museveni’s Roadside Phone Call Photo ‘Breaks’ the Internet

President Museveni

When State House released to the press 3 pictures of President Museveni making a roadside phone call from at Kyeirumba in Isingiro little did they know that a few minutes later the photos would go viral let alone lead to various fun-poking memes.

The photos surfaced today showing Museveni sitting by the roadside on phone after making an impromptu stop on his way back from presiding over the World Population day celebrations.

Don Wanyama, the senior presidential press secretary, told The Observer that the president had “an urgent call” to make but some people on social media joked that Museveni had just received information about Besigye’s release on bail on the same day, while there were suggestions that he could have been speaking to the president of South Sudan, where fighting has been ongoing in the last few days.

Others went as far as accusing the president of attempting to ‘steal’ Kizza Besigye’s release news off the front pages of newspapers.

Some of the global leading media like BBC, Guardian also picked interest in #M7Challenge hashtag on social media.

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